Monday 29 October 2012

How to find and kill process

How to find and kill process in ubuntu

First step is to find a process which we want to kill.

To do this type command:

ps aux

This will give us the whole list of processes

If you know the name of the process that you want to kill type:

ps aux | grep NAMEofTHEprocess

for example

ps aux | grep firefox

The output will look like:

user  14585  8.8  1.9 544200 161520 ?       Sl   16:27   1:23 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox

I underlined number of the process which we need ... kill the process

kill 14585

If the owner of the process is root then you have to become root first and then run the 'kill' command

sudo -s 

kill 14585

Good luck with killing!

This example shows how kill command looks like in ubuntu terminal.

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