Wednesday 8 May 2013

How to use RAM in the most efficient way in ubuntu

How to use RAM in the most efficient way in ubuntu?

In case you do not have much RAM memory it is critical to set up usage of RAM memory in the most efficient way. Here is a very simple way ho to do it.

Change the swap value is the clue.

How to change the swap value in Ubuntu?

You can check the swappiness value by running this command:

An example showing how to check the SWAP valule

$ cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

To change the SWAP value simply edit the file above (I use vim):

This file needs to be edited to speed up Ubuntu

$ sudo vim  /etc/sysctl.conf

and enter the following two lines in the end of the file:

In order to speed up ubuntu put these two lines in the end ot the configuration file  
 # Decrease swappiness value

Now just reboot the Ubuntu and it will run much faster!

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